Friday, October 29, 2010

My Dream World

Where souls are indigenous. Where societies are based on gift-economy. Where we are harmonious with nature instead of conquering it. Where we are not conscious of time instead of being controlled by time. Where we are cooperative instead of competitive. Where we are not economic prostitutes. Where materials and possessions are traded for recognition instead of forms of credit. Where the only debt owed is to God. Where judgment and criticism is positive. Where helplessness and selfishness are words of extinction. Where we are oriented by the moment instead of the future. Where holocaust means destruction of hate, fear, and anger. Where war and violence are defied. Where life is not controlled by codes and standards. Where a person is measured by morality instead of illusion. Where laws and punishment systems are primitive. Where our inventiveness of technology are used for greater principle. Where we are only political toward romanticism. Where education is idolized not by paper. Where resources are methodically abundant. Where anyone can be medically and criminally rehabilitated. Where there is no desire for crime or adultery. Where addiction is generosity and consideration. Where true love decides right from wrong. Where we lust for a women’s heart instead of her features. Where a man can conquer his pride. Where we exploit rainbows and spirals, instead of exploiting false-image, self-gratification, and self-glorification. Where we are not classified by ridiculous shades, sexual preferences, and historical backgrounds. Where famine, scarcity, and poverty are ancient words of mankind. Where careers are a 20th century fad. Where idealism is shared and not patented. Where truth hunches over perception. Where dreams caress reality.


  1. roy ,
    I was reading your about me and thats fine if you wan't to think your a "nobody" ,but I don't share in your beleifs . I am a child of god .

  2. You are as gifted with words as you were when you became a professional card player. I see you making it with words as quickly as you did with cards.

  3. Thx Michael... Words can be powerful. They got me a few things here and there... ;)

  4. I think by "nobody" he means he's not anyone special and neither is anyone else. I could be wrong. Perhaps Roy does have a low opinion of himself but I highly doubt it. He does'nt need to if he does. His poetry is quite good and his outlook on life is quite intriguing.

  5. Words are powerful. Words are bullets. Keep firing words at even the truth and we can kill it. We found that out during the OJ trial.

  6. I just read from Suelo the deal. I see you've got a new Smurf to make it all official. Welcome back Action Poet!

  7. I'm Roy... the author of this blog... I lost access to my own account and I can seem to get in touch with anyway, I don't care to write blogs anymore... I wrote my ebook Read of You...

  8. My husband was diagnosed with systemic mastocytosis last year and did go to the NIH and see Dr. Robyn twice. He had already had the bone marrow biopsy and aspiration, as well as the tryptase level test. Basically, they did some blood work there and took extensive medical history from my husband. They told us to go home and our local physician could follow up with him as well as anyone could since there are really no specialist doctors to see locally. They said if there were changes to follow up in about a year. He did go back about a month ago and found out that Dr. Robyn was going to leave. We made a research on local herbal medicine and we found out there is a cure with natural herbs and roots medicine.Of Dr James the great herbal doctor from west Africa, on how he uses his herbal medicine to cure several diseases like SHINGLES,WARTS, HERPES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,DIABETES HIV/AIDS,AND MASTOCYTOSIS,and we proceeded and contacted him on his email he said he will help us. 2 days later you told us the herbal medicine is ready and he sent it to us.After 3 weeks of the usage as he prescribed to us.believe me my husband was truly cured of Mastocytosis.You can reach the Herbal Doctor on
